creARTion #3!!!
PAINTED 7 GYSPIES MINIBOOKYou must do at least the following three things to qualify for the prize!
1. LINE: 7 Gypsies
2. TECHNIQUE: painting
3. PROJECT: minibook
4. POST a link to or email me (eggsb@comcast.net) your creARTion by the due date.
So, this must be a minibook... you must use some 7 Gypsies product in your creARTion... and... you must use paint! That's it!
It's that simple!
But, it has been requested that I post a sample, which I will try to each week from now on...
I'm working on this one!
The prize this time?
PRIZEImagine from Close to My Heart...
donated by... Kristin Sandahl of Close to My Heart!
How to play:Upload your creARTion and link it to here in a post, or email it to me at eggsb@comcast.net
All submissions are due by November 14, 2007 EST.
Good luck!
Can't wait to see your creARTion!
This month's sample comes to you from... Diane Gillet a Memory Works Independant Consultant #MW65597